
Cleanliness drive at Government Offices

Taking an oath to keep the city clean, the Reasi Deputy Commissioner (DC)-Ravinder Kumar along with ADDC Reasi, ADC Reasi and other officers of mini secretariat Reasi participated in the thematic cleanliness drive as a part of initiatives under ‘Swachh Bharat’ mission launched by Municipal Committee (MC) Reasi in collaboration with the NGO “WE CARE “at the mini secretariat on Monday afternoon.
DC while addressing all the employees of mini secretariat said, “We want to have a visible impact on people and help them understand that cleanliness is a serious issue,” and first phase of it is to start from our own offices.
He added that we have to make every possible effort to make our city clean and green forever and for this in addition to cleanliness drives awareness sessions, seminars, workshops etc. to increase the contribution of people towards environment would also be held.
All heads of departments and other employees cleaned their respective offices and the lobbies of the building as a part of the cleanliness drive. —
DC also visited several offices to oversee the drive and give necessary instructions to staffers for keeping government offices clean throughout the year.
Rattan Lal- Executive Officer Municipal Committee Reasi added that the cleanliness activities are carried out at government establishments during the drive that began on 18th May. He further added that to create awareness on cleanliness, informative and educational material will be distributed and nukkad nataks will also be organised. Community participation will be ensured by involving the members of PRIs, religious heads, students and non-government organizations.

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Following are the details of

the venue

Date: 23/03/2018 - 31/03/2018
Venue: DC Office Reasi

Event Video