

To make it convenient for public various forms and documents of public importance  are placed here . Anyone can download and get a printout of the form and other documents to use .

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Title Date View / Download
Notice of Publication of the Panchayat Draft Electoral Roll 21/12/2022 View (577 KB)
Revision of Panchayat Electoral Rolls, 2022 – designation of officials as Panchayat Election Booth Officials (PEBOs). 17/12/2022 View (1 MB)
Identification of Beneficiaries through Public domain for comments and objections. 21/11/2022 View (656 KB)
Regulation of transportation of bovine animals, prohibitory order thereof. 21/11/2022 View (728 KB)
Minutes of meeting regarding “illicit trafficking of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances” in District Reasi held on 07/07/2022 12/07/2022 View (2 MB)
Implementation of Arms (Amendment) Act 2019 , regarding 18/11/2022 View (533 KB)
Minutes of the meeting of the District level committee under NCORD held on 20-10-2022 18/11/2022 View (2 MB)
Minutes of the meeting of the District level committee under NCORD held on 06-09-2022 18/11/2022 View (2 MB)
Interview of Short listed candidates on Contractual Basic for establishment of One Stop Centre. 20/10/2022 View (503 KB)
Form 11A 11/10/2022 View (3 MB)