
DC Reasi releases Rs.38,72,500 for wards of Construction workers

Publish Date : 17/03/2021

Reasi 17March:- Deputy Commissioner Reasi Indu Kanwal Chib on Wednesday provided financial assistance of Rs.38,72,500 as a scholarship to dependents of 500 labourers.
On this ocassion, Assistant Labour Commissioner Pradyot Gupta was present.
The Education assistance has been provided by the Labour Department under J&K building and other construction welfare board scheme.Under this scheme, the children of the registered labourers are provided with academic and professional scholarship besides other social assistance.
During the ocassion, Indu Kanwal Chib asked the ALC to generate massive awareness among the construction workers about various schemes being implemented by the labour department in the district and motivate them to avail the benefits of the same.
On this ocassion, Indu Chib also directed the ALC to ensure that no eligible beneficiary is left out from availing the benefits of these welfare schemes meant for the labourers.