
Labour Department

SNO Initiative/schemes to be incorporated in district website. Brief
  Education Assistance for two children of the worker.

Marriage Assistance up to three marriages (Suspended)

Death Assistance to the dependents of the worker.

Temporary disability Assistance.

Permanent disability Assistance.

Funeral Assistance.

Financial Assistance for treatment of Chronic Disease.

Maternity Assistance to female worker up to two children.

Amount fixed as assistance

Class 1 to 5 2500/- P.A.

Class 6 to 8 3500/- P.A.

Class 9 to 10 4500/- P.A.

Class 10 to 12 6000/- P.A.

Under Graduate. 10,000/-

Post Graduate. 15,000/-

Para Medical Diploma courses 10,000/-

ITI Diploma courses. 10,000/-

Three year Engineering Diploma courses 30,000/-

Professional/Technical Degree courses. 50,000/-

Death Assistance. 2,00,000/-

Temporary Disability. 10,000/-

Permanent Disability. 75,000/-

Funeral Assistance 5,000/-

Treatment for chronic Disease. 100,000/-

Maternity Assistance. 5,000/-


labour labour